The Entity

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Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
Assalamualaikum. Writing all the way from Belgaum, Karnataka, India. Missing Malaysia so much. But everything is just perfectly fine here. India makes people not just live, but SURVIVE. :)

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And remember, it always rain hard for those who deserve The Sun. :)

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Relief and Worry in One Point

Assalamualaikum (Peace be upon you my dear followers),

After a couple of weeks of not posting anything down here, my mind is going a bit crazy. Looks like I do need blogging after all. Three years posting down my thoughts and I never got bored. It would be fun if it turns out to be a JOB rather than some childish hobby no?

I had so many to tell but after a while ago, I asked myself again what would I jot down? My laptop has been invaded by stupid viruses since I viewed this politic blog called Loctor Mayat. Even the title of the blog sounded creepy. Since then, a couple of pop-ups appeared telling me to buy the anti-virus software online. Crap me! Now, even having AVG Free won't help. Argh! And, not only that, I can't even post down anything in the blogger because of those harmful viruses. After all, blogspot is never a safe site to be opened up in the Internet. I as far have though as much. T.T

Now, looks like blogging only work with the old desktop. You see, even if you have a brand new laptop with you with advances advantages, the old one still is useful. Thanks desktop:) So....what's up with me nagging about stupid viruses and how pathetic am I when I cried over a sluggish laptop?

Much to say is that, I have already ended my fearsome semester one examination for the asasi sains UiTM Puncak Alam. Yay!!! I am so thrilled. Even though, I have to still remember what I have learned back then in semester one in order to answer semester 2 examination, I still think I deserve a BREAK! Let I jot down how I feel about the 4 subjects I had for the past examination:

1. Physics
 -ONE WORD: superdupertricky! I don't even know what to study for the last minute preparation. I took a glance at the big giancoli book, and started wondering how the paper was going to be like, and yes, like Prof Ahmad always reminds me: DAYANA, YOU HAVE TO THINK OUT OF THE BOX! and yes, the questions are damn tricky. Just prayed I had answered them well, because I did, I think. I sweat all over the forehead just to make sure the calculations turn out right. P/S: I got so jealous with those John or Jane Doe who got a carry mark of 38/40 while mine was below them! Argh!!

2. Chemistry

-ONE WORD: NOTTOUGHBUTTRICKY! Should I blame the lacking of tutorials for making me clueless on the Gas Laws and the last chapters questions? Seriously, they twisted the questions like damn twisted that I almost have a lazy eyes on them. I prayed now for ease. I don't want to hook up crying for having bad results. Waaa! ( now regretting for lazying around and it doesn't help at all!)

3. Mathematics 

-ONEWORD: superduperhardandtough!!  Naqib was true after all. He did reminded me how tough it is. I took it easy without much effort to master it, and now I regret. Rice is already a hot porridge. I flunked like hell for my quizzes. My name got called for being drained away by the tutor. But, I didn't take it seriously. I didn't focus. After knowing how great Balqis and others even Dina for math, I become terrified. To get a super flat pointer, Mathematics is crucial to be an A! And what did I do? Play all the time, thinking that I can do it without effort, now boo me!! I didn't even go to see how much did I get for my carry marks, probably so low. And I am just scared that it would make me devastated, so I didn't give it a damn to see. Argh!

4. Biology

-Oneword: JOYFUL! even though it was fun answering, but Biology always a phantom to me. Just like what happened during SPM. Although, I thought I did a good job, I still didn't manage an A. I am being paranoid over this, but at the same time very careful. How will a person portray a good doctor-to-be persona if she can't even obtain an A for Biology? Ironic isn't it? Yes it is! Hopefully my carry marks are good enough. Huh!

and two days after Biology 1 was history, MUET Workshop was held: which was a complete horrid when I became a total coward for not standing out and speak my heart out! and for being effluent with what I had to say. Guess like I am only good in written English and not orally. And it sucks badly enough. 12 October is the day I must deal with, with MUET SPEAKING TEST and badly I am not fluent enough. Now I know how having fantastic vocabularies don't help instead fluency is what counts to make you at the top for MUET! A band above three is what I must achieve. Help me Allah!

p/s: Sad when people you wish to amend you, just ignoring you. And sad when you realised you are nothing worth for them.

1 comment:

fawz@n said...

all the best for both of us ok.and never stop praying,i'Allah =)