The Entity

My photo
Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
Assalamualaikum. Writing all the way from Belgaum, Karnataka, India. Missing Malaysia so much. But everything is just perfectly fine here. India makes people not just live, but SURVIVE. :)

Welcome Message

And remember, it always rain hard for those who deserve The Sun. :)

Sunday, 25 July 2010



1. No constant Internet connection for me, which has been my legal drugs for such a long time

2.No constant supply of nescafe that could make me awake and fresh.

3. No kittens to play with, or to be my remedy during harsh emotional breakdown.

4. No parents to kiss and hug.

5. No T.V that supply me with Gossip Girl and other wonderful series.

and of course

6. No comfortable bedroom with the finest conditioned atmosphere that could make me wake up at 12 pm.:D

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Physics Assignment

This is what I get for the 5 questions...I just need to work hard on this...OMY! And why there're two similar Semester Break Homework?

I also had a temporary seizure of doing Physics Lab Reports. I put them on the waiting line for such a long time, without realising that I now have tons of them to finish. Great no.. ?

I hate it when, I can't find the answers in the internet. I hate it when we asked our members to help, they won't help. Just frustrating.

Friday, 23 July 2010

Mid Semester break is over


I will be going back to UiTM on Sunday, even though I hate to return to normal daily boring routines of attending boring lectures and tutorials. However, I keep telling myself, I don't have other options to reconsider, I don't have another place where I can pursue my studies, so, yes people! UiTM is still the place for me for now.

Mom knew how I felt all this while. How frustrated I am of not being able to go to the place I would love to go, to pursue and to continue, and to finish up what have been planned. She tells me to be patient, she gave me this verse of the Surah Albaqarah, which states that:
'It could be the thing you love the most, be worst for you, and it might be the thing you despise be better for you, because all has been destined by ALLAH, these are all his secrets'

Yes. Everything has been stated in the Holy Quran. Coming back to basic, Allah is still the only-one who knows what best for HIS slaves. I just have to understand this and Redha. HE is with those who redha, and patient. 

Mid semester break is over, there is nothing fun going on this a week holiday. I canceled my plan with my best friend Mimi, because I don't feel like going out. I had made her disappointed. Sorry girl:( I had finished up my Physics assignment, and the marks are not like I wanted. Never mind, time to really work hard on that particular topic:) 

This 1 week holiday, was all about watching movies days and night. Yesterday, I lonely sit down in my room, watching a movie '17 Again', which I think a simple and rejoicing movie. I like Zac Efron so much, and often dream to have a guy friend like him. The storyline was full of message and it was wonderful, I will write the review of it later:) Then, I continue watching 'She's out of My League'. Thank God I am officially 18, because the movie is 18 rated. It is not suitable for those who cannot bear to watch forbidden scenes. And, it's not right for children. So kids, do not download this movie! I am warning you because you will only harm your decent and pure souls!

P/S: Yes! Finish downloading the High School Musical 3!! Bye2 dearest readers!


Sanggupkah seseorang sahabat itu membiarkan cintanya pergi, hanya kerana kawan baiknya juga mencintai lelaki yang sama? Hanya kerana dia merasakan bahawasanya rakannya itu yang berhak mendapatkan kasih-sayang lelaki itu? Hal ini kerana, lelaki itu seorang yang warak, berpotensi menjadi pembimbing yang baik, manakala rakannya pula seorang wanita yang jahil agama, namun mahu kembali ke pangkal jalan. Hati mana tidak tertarik kepada seorang jejaka yang soleh, sopan budi bicara, tatasusila terjaga, bijaksana pula, tetapi tetap tawaduk demi agama yang tercinta? Namun begitu, walaupun hati sahabat tadi telah terpaut pada si jejaka, dan dia tahu rakannya juga begitu, dia sanggup undur diri, kerana dia lebih cintakan rakan karibnya itu. Dia mahu lelaki itu menjadi pembimbing buat rakan karibya itu, demi agama. Padanya, cintanya itu suci namun dia tidak lagi memiliki jejaka tadi, dia sanggup, melihat kebahagiaan orang lain, demi agama :)

Thursday, 22 July 2010

I miss this :)


Wednesday, 21 July 2010


Saya kembali menghidap penyakit itu. Yakni penyakit cemburu. Ia datang, kadang-kadang hilang, kemudian saya sedar, penyakit ini sungguh sukar diubati. Lebih sukar daripada mengubati penyakit tertonggeng sedih akibat putus cinta dengan monyet. Huhu. T.T

Apa yang saya cemburu? Saya cemburu membaca blog-blog doktor yang menjadi penguat semangat untuk terus bermimpi dan bercita-cita untuk mengalas tanggungjawab sebagai seorang doktor pada suatu hari yang indah nanti. InsyaAllah hari itu akan tiba. Tapi, saya sedar, hari itu tidak akan tiba dengan mudah. Susah dan payah, ranjau berduri, ombak yang tinggi dan katakan apa sahaja dugaannya, pasti akan saya tempuhi dengan sabar dan tabah. Amin...

Saya mula tertarik membaca blog Dr Azzad sebab beliau merupakan kelulusan dari Russia. Tempat yang ingin saya jejak suatu ketika dahulu. Saya kagum melihat betapa kuatnya komitmen beliau terhadap penulisan blog walaupun sedang sibuk menjalani housemanship. Saya juga tertarik dengan karya blognya yang terbaru bertajuk "Bukan Sekadar Doktor". Jadilah anda doktor yang intelektual, bukan sahaja memerah otak menghafal buku-buku anatomy, tapi juga rasailah dan terokailah bidang-bidang lain...seperti seni:) Beliau suka teater, saya juga suka teater, cuma tidak pernah menonton teater kerana tiada teman...haha:D  

Blog Dr Faizal yang baru saya jumpa semalam, menaikkan keghairahan sanubari menerokai dunia perubatan. Cerita-cerita beliau menangani kes-kes ibu melahirkan anak sungguh tragis, dan menarik. Penulisan beliau jelas menunjukkan beliau seorang doktor yang berpotensi besar. Keunikan blog beliau, adalah penceritaan pengalaman di Hospital Cairo, Mesir, ditambah pula dengan kebolehan bertutur dalam bahasa Arab, jelas 
membuatkan saya tidak tidur malam mengamati setiap pengalamannya. MasyaAllah! Menyeronokkan! 

Selain daripada cemburu melihat kejayaan dua orang doktor muda ini saya juga cemburu mengingatkan rakan-rakan yang pernah belajar di bawah satu bumbung. Rakan-rakan di President College yang sudahpun menamatkan pembelajaran mereka dan InsyaALLAH akan menyambung pelajaran di Rusia, India dan ada juga ke Indonesia. Rakan-rakan yang akan ke Rusia akan bertolak pada 14 September 2010, dan masing-masing kelihatan teruja. Mereka akan memulakan perjalanan itu, mereka sudah nampak laluan itu, cerah di hadapan. Saya pula baru bermula, bermula dari sifar, gelap sahaja, peluang tipis, hanya ketabahan, kerajinan dan tawaduk menjadi pengiring untuk saya kekal maju, demi impian yang sama, menjadi seorang doktor. Saya yakin Allah ada, walaupun saya tidak akan mengecapi dan merasai pengalaman mereka belajar di luar negara, saya akur dengan takdir. Takdir dan tuah saya mungkin di bumi sendiri. Tanah air tercinta akan saksikan semuanya. Saya cemburu lihat mereka dari jauh, namun saya doakan mereka selamat pergi dan semoga berjaya menggapai impian dan menggalas tanggungjawab yang mulia. Amin..

Cemburu juga saya melihat rakan-rakan yang mempunyai gambar-gambar manis semasa remaja, semasa bersama rakan-rakan mereka di sekolah, pengalaman mereka semasa di sekolah. Orang kata pengalaman menjadi pelajar di sekolah menengah tidak ternilai, mahal sungguh harganya. Benar kata mereka! Saya menyesal tidak menghargai detik-detik manis selaku pelajar sekolah bersama rakan-rakan lama. Detik-detik ketawa indah dan bergelak sakan sewaktu di kelas, dan sewaktu hari terakhir di sekolah. Saya mempunyai sedikit sahaja memori berkenaan itu semua, kerana terlalu sibuk mengejar kemahsyuran mungkin,  yang datang buat seketika. 

Saya perlu belajar menghargai kehidupan, dan penuhinya dengan segala warna-warni memori pengalaman terindah. Belajar, dan hayati kehidupan, kerana ia hanya datang sekali, kita dipinjamkan ke dunia yang fana hanya buat masa sekarang, kemudian akan hancurnya jasad, dan hanya nama disebut, itupun kalau ada mereka yang mahu menyebutnya. Kehidupan indah hanya dapat dirasai oleh manusia yang menghargainya. Kebahagiaan perlu dicari dan bukannya mudah untuk mendapatkannya. Kekayaan harta itu penting tetapi kekayaan nurani itu lebih mustahak. Cemburu itu lain dari dengki, kerana cemburu membuatkan kita lebih semangat untuk berjaya, manakala dengki membawa kita menjadi pembinasa. Wallahualam.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

When a girl wanna download movies...

so here am I, spending precious time of the mid semester break to just, satisfy my passion for watching movies. Patience is a must while downloading, currently I am downloading, Toy Story 3. Save my allowances, but of course harm my new baby laptop. :( That's the saddest part. And yeah, going for a movie with my new friends, from UiTM, a horror movie. I need a real break ok? Books, sorry, I just have to keep you guys dusty for a while. Haha:) Even my teacher, Puan K told me, 

"DAYANA when its a holiday, you have to turn green. Stop thinking about workloads"

Yes, she's right. I have to pamper myself for this time round. :)

Thanks to brother Asfan Arc for teaching me how to download these movies, and thanks to for Azeem and Hafzan Azin. You guys are such wonderful brothers. :)

Monday, 19 July 2010

The horror part of e-book system

LETS be paperless people! Adding to the dismay, just to download, or to buffer the e book takes such a long time!  (click to enlarge)

Sunday, 18 July 2010

We often follow, without making it our own.

Teenagers, what, and who are they? Basically I am a teenager, finding for my real-true identity. Always with confusion and dilemma. Triggered by peer pressure and constitution. You adults have been what we call as teenagers whom always follow, without making things or OURSELVES by our own.

1. Wow...they got driving license and so I must have one too
 -typically, in Malaysia, soon after SPM is over, tons of teenagers by the age of 17 make their way to driving schools. They think driving is so cool, and will make them look fun and they will eventually feel like being an adult. Having a driving license is like having freedom. But still, copycats...! We are copy cats, begging our parents for some money to go to the driving school just because our peers are doing the same thing. Boo us, boo me!

2. Movies versus having temporary hourly sensational fun 
-wow, its a holiday...come follow me for movies marathon. In the old days, where to watch movies only need 2 ringgit or less for the tickets, might not seem like a big deal if you are about to go for the movies marathon non-stop. Think again for people who live here, for today. As, watching a movie, probably cost a person about 8 ringgit up to a 13 ringgit. Not included pop corn, twisties and other junk food, total sum, 50 ringgit all together. Nice!! Ending up whooshing mom's and dad's savings for the movies, that are just temporarily stored in the brain, and after that, you would go, "OH MAN, I regret watching that damn movie!"

3. Vacationing abroad, how about Disneyland mommy!
-Well, for richies thanks for downloading your sweet, fun photos of your family's vacation in the place call overseas. This somehow, arouse jealousy among many including me to be frank. As for childish people, they would tend to follow the trend, by doing the same thing, of vacationing overseas...MOMMY take me to Disneyland, I wanna meet Buzz Light Year!! be continued...

Physics....tak faham, then forget it!

My kitab for physics        

our father of physics...oopps...terover puji giancoli..

Friday, 16 July 2010

LATE Night with the girls.

Finally, it's the mid-semester break. Although I will only be relaxing and enjoying a-ONE WEEK holiday, still, a holiday must be fulfilled with lots of fun and rejuvenation. Am I right?

Last night, everyone was having their end wits finishing whatever laboratory reports and assignments before returning to home-sweet-home. I had this gathering with my housemates at Room D till we didn't notice it almost 1.00 a.m in the morning. It might be common to those hostelers, staying up chit chatting and laughing, but it was my first experience. It was a complete ladies night, where we talked about BOYS, about SHOPPING, about things that girls usually talk among themselves. I enjoyed the moment to the max :D  {a bit of a jacoon }

My apartment, consists of 8 rooms, which each equipped 2 tenants. I am in the room A, with my roommate name Aishah. She's so hardworking, and sometimes I feel bad for not being able to be as hardworking as she is. Her brothers and sisters are now well-being people, one of her brothers, graduated as a medical doctor, and one of her sister is currently a lecturer in Perlis. It is so amazing!

I am in group B1, and two housemates are in the same major group B, they are Huda who is in group B5 and Hajira who is in Group B4. So we usually share the same lecture class. I can mingle so well with Hajira, and I often hang out at her room for a nice break, talking, talking, and chatting for hours. Her roommate, Adibah is a very nice girl, and she never went out for a movie! Wow!

There is another girl named Shahira, who always come to our room, and asking what we are doing. She's friendly and open-minded, she's also very sexy oops..her roommate, is intelligent, and can be considered as daring, after hearing her side of the stories of having a fight with an indian lady and a pengkid. Haha!

One girl came from Johor, named Halimah is a korean-fanatic! Always with her korean songs whatsoever. She dreams of marrying one of the member is the TVSQ or DBSK boy band. She's gorgeous, fair, blind as wearing thick lens of glasses, and I like all her clothes! They are beautiful! 

Basically, the girls night was fun, although we end up sleeping late, and waking up late the next morning. Maybe all of us can go for a stroll or shopping or maybe a movie together in the future. Overall, I love my housemates!!

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

When the backbone is missing

if only you could feel what I feel
Please my dear friends, I am begging !! Begging that you could at least PLAY your role in our work here in UiTM. Stop thinking about loitering around, dating around or playing around, BE SERIOUS PLEASE!! I am tired. I wish I can yell this word in front of you! But, I won't do that because I know, it's not appropriate. I wish you could, BEHAVE like a student, THINK more like a student, don't depend on me too much! make our work done, to make our work fulfilled and satisfying, please PLAY YOUR ROLE, CONTRIBUTE SOMETHING, CONTRIBUTE IDEAS and CONTRIBUTE USEFUL ADVICE. I hate when some of you keep waiting for me for ideas, keep waiting for me to tell you what to do, keep waiting for me to make things right. It disturbs me! I need friends who can BE TOGETHER, WHEN TIME IS HARSH AND WHEN TIME IS WONDERFUL. I need these friends to cherish the moment while we are studying here. Please, BE that kind of friends.

The Tests here in UiTM

Assalamualaikum dear readers,

Well, the tests I for Biology, Mathematics and Chemistry are now a history. Yay! But, there will be a nightmare as tomorrow, the fearsome test for Physics will be endured by the foundation in science's students. I guess I am done with the studying and revising, just wanting to relax for now, while searching for some information regarding my biology experiment. 

 My aim to get 30/30 for chemistry had now vanished thanks to my non-ending careless mistakes I always do. To be frank, mine was just 27.5 out of 30, which can be considered as typical as it will only contribute 9.2 marks for the final. I don't know for biology, since I knew I didn't perform my best on Saturday, during the test. Hmmm....

For this upcoming Physics, there will lots of questions regarding projectile motion and vectors I think. Vectors are so important right now, have to understand the cross and the dot product in every detail to master them very well. Once you misconception, you are wrong forever! 

Whatever it is, study...there's the only word I know for now, that always been flying around my head, no others. Allah is my companion for now, to give me strength and to allow me to do the best. In what ever event I am encountering or had encountered, there must be a silver lining....just have to be patient. 

Friday, 9 July 2010

Kenapa aku tension di saat test menjelma?

Relaxla ....test je ...bukannya final exam...betul tak? Bukannya soalan yang keluar nanti susah-susah, putar belit macam final exam, betul tak? Habis tu, kenapa jauh di lubuk hati, aku rasa takut? Jantung berdegup kencang tatkala mengigatkan seseorang yang kusayang dalam diam test yang akan menjelma dan akan diduduki pada keesokkan harinya, bermula pada pukul 9.00 pagi dan berakhir pada pukul 12.00 tengah hari? Satu subjek hanya satu jam je untuk test, tu pun entah berapa peratus akan ditambah ke dalam final...tapi still penting betul tak? Kena study la nampaknya.....COMPULSORY.

Di sini juga, tempat aku luahkan segala yang terpendam dalam sanubari...di mana aku akui aku selalu perlekehkan UiTM...lebih-lebih lagi sejak masuk asasi ni...ada je yang tak kena. Korang boleh refer previous post aku....korang ada tanya tak mengapa budak ni....kerek je...poyo je..macam la bagus sangat kan? Memang aku tak bagus sangat.....jauh sekali boleh dikatakan bijak....ataupun genius...Genius itu tidak penting ya para pembaca sekalian? Baru-baru ni quiz, markah aku bukannya bagus sangat pun, tak dapat pun full marks...walaupun kebanyakan soalan yang keluar aku dah lalui semasa berada di Presco...cis Presco lagi...apa benda nya presco ni, korang tertanya-tanya kan? Aku nasihatkan biar aku sahaja yang tau apa tu presco...ahaks..:(

Esok ada test bio dan math...dua2 aku walaupun nampak mudah, tapi kadang2 boleh buat gementar jugak. Aku paling benci structure la, yang glucose, protein semua tu....ish2...aku tak suke lukis benda tu semua, tapi terpaksalah kan? Math pun aku risau...sebab math la aku rasa paling annoying dan melecehkan...kecuali tajuk baru, derivative yang tidak akan masuk dalam test kali ini. Bab function cari domain dan range, bukan main confusing bagi aku...lagi banyak kali aku berbincang dengan rakan-rakan tajuk ni, lagi pening dibuatnya....apa lah kan? *Sigh*
 Aku juga risau untuk Physics....dan Chemistry, pendek kata untuk keempat-empat subjek aku bukannya terer sangat, semuanya uncertain....semuanya nampak kelam, sesiapa yang usaha lebih yang itulah yang akan menggondol tempat teratas dan lebih selamatlah dia...jadi mulai sekarang kenalah Belajar LIKE MAD DOG!! Aku tak suke, hari2 setiap malam, duduk dalam bilik yang sepi menelaah pelajaran sampai lewat malam, sakit pinggang tau tak? Aku perlukan TELEVISYEN....tapi nanti distracted pulak...aish baik takyah...

Sekarang ni, cakap banyak pun tak guna, kenalah tawakal tatkala sudah berusaha, dan berserah sahaja kepada yang MAHA ESA. Minta bimbingan DIA untuk kembalikan semula apa yang telah dipelajari, apa yang telah DIA tunjukkan, apa yang telah DIA berkati semula kepada kita. Mudah-mudahan perjalanan kita ke arah kemudahan untuk menjawab test....dipermudahkan dan diperlicinkan. 

* Living here, studying here in Foundation In Science, always remind me of uncertainty. With lots of intelligent, high potential students, the place to be among the best, is so limiting. I need to struggle, I still see uncertainty. But, even though I cried knowing that it's hard to be among the best, to be a winner among the winners, I still have to STRUGGLE...although I am sick of playing hard, studying hard like what I had encountered in high school. You are right Dr Zul....I am now in a jungle, where trees are high, bushes are everywhere, it is so damp, wet and slippery, and haven't find the true path that reach me to my destiny*

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Making them a TABOO

"Mirror mirror on the wall....who's the fattest girl of them all?" I asked my mirror the magical mirror of Disney.

"I must say your highness, YOU are the fattest of them all!" It answered.                           
I cried for days knowing I am the fattest of them all. It hurts you know, to be odd, adding to the fact to be fat. You would not be looking nice in any clothes with flab tummy. Perut berlapis is a nightmare! Seriously, I have to make some things a taboo. Jom berpantang! >.<


One of my favorite for all time. Name any food with potatoes stuffed with it, I can eat them like a king. Mak Long used to make this good-fatty appetizer of chopped steamed potatoes, with egg and mayonnaise, and it was so delicious. Note that this is so fatty and appetizing, till you wanna more. Other potatoes-based food are like french fries, sambal goreng kentang, hmmm...potato pie...argh! I have to stop taking excess potatoes.. 

yummyyyy dipped with mayo!     

Cakes and confectionery

I don't actually eat cakes but I must say I am a big lover of cakes. Especially those with cheese in it, namely cheese cakes...Plus, croissant, breads, doughnuts, tarts, them...I can eat them in loads non stop. These need to be taboos...too. 

cheesycake....I love you, now I need to hate you!!

Eat doughnuts like everyday, and having FABULOUS curveS as this woman does, would be a dream come true. NO?     


People said to be thin, stop eating rice. How come? I am an Asian, I need rice. It's a staple food anyway. But seriously, if that what it takes, then yes NO RICE.....>.<

fried rice.....bye3

Other junk food

Others would probably be canned drinks, drinks in carton, biscuits, chocolate bars, potato chips, banana chips...soda beverages.....bye2 heaven of food...


beverage fountain...

I really have to make them my taboos for next upcoming days....I need to slim down.....since I am not looking any good since I entered college, I look bad...and fat...hate it....I can't fit into my jeans like I used to...sigh***

What about her? A new schedule?

Nothing interesting occurred for the passed 1 week of life at UiTM. It was rather a plentiful of works that have been given to us kids, on assignments, lab reports, tutorials and etc. These are not becoming a burden, since I know I can do them well enough, IF AND ONLY IF, time is sufficient, and co-operation is up to a boost. 


I find Biology lecture was pretty boring these days. Maybe because I am learning things that I already learned or maybe because I just couldn't get the lecturer's body language. Just looking at the slides which I think aren't that USEFUL since most of the pictures or notes can be found inside the Campbell Book, making me feel dizzy and sleepy all the way. Biology lecture, is just a time where students need to sit down and listen to talks and stops there. Nothing much. I also doubt about the way the lecturers taught the course. Sometimes the answers to her questions aren't that scientific enough. 

P/S: In Presco, Biology was rather fun, 50% enjoyable than the one I am having right now. This is because, there were debates on certain topics discussed among the students and lecturer. Those scenes really widen up my view on Biology and making things rejoicing. But here, lecturer talks and we just look on the's damn boring.


I prefer chemistry in UiTM more rather in the place I used to study. Even though Pn Rozana was a bit of person who talk-by herself, but I think she's better off teaching the subject. We went into great detailed until I find myself dipped into chemistry now. She made the calculation part easier, and she is a good lecturer who we can easily and kindly asked for help, if we don't understand certain topics on that subject. She might look snobbish from the outside, but she is actually very friendly to the students. Thumbs up!!

P/S: Back in college, Miss Kho was rather in her Skyline-speed when it comes to teaching, and expecting us the slow-mo to get into her tracks just like that, without bothering to slow down. That's why I was lost in chemistry during the old days in the college. 


Conducted by Prof Ahmad, a very relaxing old man, with a songkok on his head, just to symbolized that he has the knowledge of both High Level Physics as well as good Islamic views. He is funny from the start, but like Biology, everything in his slides are of exact copy of the book by Giancoli. Just that, with some showings on the questions part that differ these two subject literally. In his lecture, students would probably found themselves awake and alive although I know Physics might be fearsome for SOME, including me to be frank. But, he did said, when you are doubting on a particular subject related to Physics, just FORGET ABOUT IT! Besides that, I think he's the best physics MASTER I ever had since I started involving in it when I was 16. Oh...not to mention, he is also the one who said that coupling is not a bad thing to do. It is what normal people do. Hahaha. *Don't get me wrong, what I meant was coupling in the Islamic way-nikah*

P/S: In previous experiences, I find Physics very hard. Now, I am in love with it. In Presco, Physics was my very first class. On that moment, I was dumbfounded because, the lecturer taught so fast, and I couldn't get any of the showings he taught us in front. I miss Miss DALILAH who was my 3rd physics lecture in Presco. She's cute, and comfortable, feeling like a very good big sister teaching the fearsome subject. She's in Penang now...and I hope she's doing great. -I also wondering what Mr Matt would be doing by now...ahaks...he was the 2nd Physics Master I found to be great.


First, it was taught by Puan Khadija, a sempoi-old woman with a long veil. She was funny...I guess, although I couldn't really get some of her jokes...maybe because I was damn too sleepy. My math lecturers mostly starts, after zuhur, which make me feel slightly bloated and of course tiring, and sleepy. Why? Because after lunch, the stomach will be bloated, and the eyes would be sleepy and tired. Now, a new lecturer, Pn Hafizah, who is still fresh. She shivers every time she starts talking or writing things down on the white board. I pity her for not being able to handle 200 students at once in the hall. Overall, however, she's nice, and more straight-to the point. But I wish she could have write bigger on the board, coz I hardly see anything from the back!!

P/S: I heard that Mr Alvin at Presco shifted to somewhere else. Poor my peers in Presco, for loosing such a handsome-cute-fast-funny math lecturer like him. I miss him although he hardly recognized me and distinguished me from Aida. *math was 100% times easier back then in college*


The new schedule will be used starting by Monday. I hate the new one since there's Physics lecture after lunch. It's more packed, and hectic. No more guling-guling atas katil after this.... The new schedule is made because the degree and diploma students are now progressing in the campus, meaning, it would be crowded starting Monday...which is a good thing where I can forget about lunch...


A friend of mine, suddenly 'vanished' and turned into her silent-mode. I haven't received any text from her this 1 week of life at the campus. Last was on Monday when she canceled the plan to meet another guy friend who was leaving for JPA. Optimistic side-Probably she's busy. Pessimistic side -Probably I don't suit her and vice versa. *Sigh*


How great to know, I have a cousin here in Puncak Alam. But, why didn't I feel a slight feeling of relief or surprise? Maybe because I am having a very bad mood since the beginning adding to the fact that that cousin and I aren't that close to mingle with, so evolving the sense of not-to-care if or not she is around. I prefer living alone. *Boo me!*